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The Henrys and Friends.....

Henry Wynn, Jr - Guitar; Henry Wynn III - Violin; Deveran Roof - Bass; Doug Johnson - Vocals and Guitar; Cheryl Wynn - Vocals and Guitar; Jimmy Seldin, Resophonic guitar; Jared Chaney, Guitar; Frank Vaughan - Harmonica. 

NEW!! The Henrys and Friends - Featuring 16 Tunes NEW!!

Orders can be made through the paypal link below.  $15 includes free shipping.  Orders can also be placed by sending an email to or contacting Cheryl Wynn @ 706-284-3146.

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The Henrys - Acoustic Christmas

The Henrys - Acoustic Christmas Available for Purchase

$15 with free shipping,  Call Cheryl Wynn at 706-284-3146 or email for more information.  Paypal link for purchase below.

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Doug and the Henrys

Doug and the Henrys CD for Sale
$15 with free shipping, Purchase CD to hear complete collection of songs.
The Henrys play on the waterway of the Augusta Canal while visitors enjoy the Moonlight Music Cruise Petersburg Boat Tour. Call the Augusta Canal Discovery Center for more info. 

The Henrys play on the waterway of the Augusta Canal while visitors enjoy the Moonlight Music Cruise Petersburg Boat Tour. Call the Augusta Canal Discovery Center for more info. 

The Wynns - Augusta Canal

The Augusta Canal CD  "Going With The Flow" is a compilatiion for several musicians who wrote original songs honoring the historic canal. The Wynns are featured with 4 songs on the CD.(samples below) 

$15 with free shipping, Please purchase to hear full collection of songs.  Call Cheryl Wynn at 706-284-3146 or email for more information.  Paypal link for purchase below.

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Wedding Music & Music for Special Occasions 


The Henry Wynn String Trio


Sample tunes at audio link below: